Hello there, I’m Rémy, a fresh Ph.D.

This website collects many of the projects I was invovled with. You’ll find talks, my resume and random stuff.


Antigen density and applied force control enrichment of nanobody-expressing yeast cells in microfluidics

M. Sanicas, R. Torro, L. Limozin, P. Chames

Lab on a Chip 2024 [ BibTex | PDF | ArXiv ]

Transfer of polarity information via diffusion of Wnt ligands in C. elegans embryos

P. Recouvreux, P. Pai, V. Dunsing, R. Torro, M. Ludanyi, P. Mélénec, M. Boughzala, V. Bertrand, PF. Lenne

Current Biology 2024 [ BibTex | PDF | ArXiv ]

Celldetective: an AI-enhanced image analysis tool for unraveling dynamic cell interactions

R. Torro, B. Diaz-Bello, D. El Arawi, L. Ammer, P. Chames, K. Sengupta, L. Limozin

bioRxiv 2024 [ BibTex | ArXiv ]

Datasets, models and demos associated to ‘Celldetective: an AI-enhanced image analysis tool for unraveling dynamic cell interactions’

R. Torro, B. Diaz-Bello, D. El Arawi, L. Ammer, P. Chames, K. Sengupta, L. Limozin

Zenodo 2024 [ BibTex | ArXiv ]

Cellular forces during early spreading of T lymphocytes on ultra-soft substrates

F. Mustapha, M. Biarnes-Pelicot, R. Torro, K. Sengupta, PH. Puech

bioRxiv 2022 [ BibTex | PDF | ArXiv ]

Radical-assisted polymerization in interstellar ice analogues: formyl radical and polyoxymethylene

T. Butscher, F. Duvernay, G. Danger, R. Torro, G. Lucas, Y. Carissan, D. Hagebaum-Reignier, T. Chiavassa

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2019 [ BibTex ]